About Cindy

About Cindy

About Cindy

Family, Dogs, & Travel

My husband, Josh, and I are a dynamic duo, always up for an adventure. Whether it's the flashy lights of Vegas or the sunny vibes of Miami, we've been there, done that, and loved every minute of it.

We're big fans of adrenaline-packed experiences, like the sold-out boxing match we caught in 2023, the debut F1 race in Miami in 2022, and the buzz of a Kansas City Chiefs game. The thrill of competition keeps us going!

But even with all the excitement of our travels, we make sure to keep our home life cozy and warm. Our three sweet chihuahuas are the heart of our home, bringing us endless joy and cuddles every day. Life with them is simply the best.

UX Design is a Lot Like Service Design

In my previous career, I loved being a successful hairstylist and salon owner in Des Moines, Iowa. By really getting to know my clients—what they needed, how they felt—I crafted an awesome all-around service experience.

I learned about UX through a web design class that required the use of Adobe Illustrator and XD. I loved it so much that it didn't take long for me to trade in my shears for a different set of tools. I sold the salon and jumped into UX Design with both feet.

What I've learned over the years are service designers and UX designers are very similar. They both aim to evoke positive emotions and build empathy with users through understanding motivations, aspirations, and frustrations.

  1. Good consultations lead to great outcomes, which directly relates to stakeholder relationships.

  2. User needs and pain points are at the core of successful services and our design decisions.

  3. Great experiences bring higher revenus.

At the end of the day, it's all about creating an experience that's seamless and stress-free. That's what keeps people coming back for more.

career highlights




mentoring hours



3+ yrs.

3+ yrs.

3+ yrs.

Fortune 500 experience

Fortune 500 experience

Fortune 500 experience

8 yrs.

8 yrs.

8 yrs.

leadership experience

leadership experience

leadership experience

8 yrs.

8 yrs.

8 yrs.

business management

business management

business management




business unit supported

business unit supported

business unit supported




0 to 1 features

0 to 1

0 to 1